Talking About Automobiles

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Mazda Design Challenge: 2018 Mazda3

Have you ever dreamed of driving your own designed car? Well, I did when I was 18 years old, and that was just a dream. But, just recently, a release has given me back the hope, as I found it in And, it is Mazda who opt to give the opportunity to artistic minds seeking to design something that would be a legend. has announced the launching of the “Mazda Design Challenge”. The contest is looking for a designer to create the 2018 Mazda3. The winner will be able to work with North America Mazda Design director Franz von Holzhausen and his team for the ten day 2007 Los Angeles International Auto Show.

That would be interesting, right? So, I guess now you want to know how to join. Well, you just have to submit your own ideas at Contestants are required to submit a 150-word description of their 2018 Mazda3 design. A sketch could also be included, and that would be much preferable of course. The design team will judge the entries and break it down into ten. Then, the Facebook community will select five finalists and each will be working with a Mazda designer to sharpen their concept. The five will be presented at, where users will be able to vote for their pick.

The winner will fly to Los Angeles, where he would be attending to the Auto Show. At the end, the winner’s idea is turned into a full-scale model.

Holzhausen said, “Usually the design ideas come from inside our studio, but this is a rare opportunity for my team to look at design through our potential customers’ eyes.” “Never before has any other automaker built a concept car on the show stand, in full view of show attendees. The pressure’s really going to be on all of us – especially the contest winner – to get it finished in time for the closing weekend of the show,” he added.

Necessities shall be provided, including travel, accommodation, $1,000 cash and even a new Mazda3 to be used during the stay.

The contest has started last September 25 and will end on November 7 before midnight. So, hurry… gather your ideas and visit for submission!

posted by Rocky at 2:06 AM


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