Talking About Automobiles

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tesla Roadster coming this fall

While most carmakers are busy with their small cars and hybrids to counter the rapidly increasing gas prices… Tesla Motors, on the other hand, is just about ready to roll out its Tesla Roadster.

Tesla Motors has also reportedly invented and improved a free energy device. It brought Nicola Tesla, their nearly mythical scientific figure, scientist and inventor, recognized achievements in the past years. According to Tesla's website, “Among his life’s many inventions (and more than 700 patents) are the induction motor and alternating-current power transmission. Without Tesla’s vision and brilliance, our car wouldn’t be possible.”

Enter the famed Roadster. It is an electric supercar that runs 0 to 60 mph in only 4 seconds. Top speed is held at 130 mph. It would not be provided with free energy, but Tesla Motors claimed that the 135 mpg is equivalent with a cost of approximately 2 cents a mile. 200 miles will be the maximum travel before it requires charging.

What I, and probably most of you, would love about the Roadster is that it is an emission free vehicle. And, it can be charged overnight for about 3.5 hours. However, charging is quite a big responsibility for some, as situations might occur that could hold us back from charging. The company anticipated this issue so they held a home solar system as an option. But it would cost, aside from the $100,000 pricing of the car alone.

But I doubt if that would stop all of us from salivating over this gorgeous electric supercar, and wanting it for ourselves. Tesla Motors will make the Roadster available in the market this fall.
posted by Rocky at 6:38 PM


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