Talking About Automobiles
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Drive Defensively this Summer

The summer season is the time where city streets and highways are congested with vehicles heading for road trips or just taking joy rides and burn some gas. This season is also the time where traffic accidents are more likely to occur, as drivers spend more time on the road during summer compared to other seasons.
So this only means that you should ensure your safety when driving, specially if you are with your family or friends to avoid endangering their lives. I think the most effective way to this is to drive defensively. Check out these defensive driving guides I got from to help you out.
Look a few blocks ahead
By looking farther ahead, you can detect and avoid dangerous situations before or as they happen, such as a car coming to an abrupt stop or a child running into traffic.
Look for a way out
Always have an exit strategy in mind. Having one can help you to react to dangerous situations quickly and safely.
Keep your distance
the rule of thumb is that you should leave a 3-second gap between you and the car in front of you. Roughly, that translates into 1 car distance for every 10 miles an hour driven.
Signal your intentions
Whether you are making a right or left turn or changing lanes, always signal where you intend to go. This alerts other drivers in advance and allows them to keep their distance, even if you don’t see them (for example, an on-coming vehicle as you are making a left turn).
Look, then back up
Among the leading cause of accidents is backing up into something or someone. Powell recommends taking a stroll around your vehicle before entering it. Doing so can help you avoid hitting objects that are in close range. Once you are in and ready to back up, check your rearview and side mirrors. Then physically turn your body to the rear and scan the surrounding area for any adults, kids or cars that are coming up behind you.
Meanwhile, Charles Powell, creator of Passing the Written DMV Test added: “Fatalities due to traffic accidents increase in the summer, because people tend to spend more time on the road."
So the next time you hit the road, just remember these tips and you won't regret it.

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